Our “Core Four” Guide All We Do

The Process of Picking Projects

Washington’s National Park Fund works closely with the park staff and superintendents of Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks.

Each year, park staff strategically identify critical projects that cannot be funded through current budgets, which fall into four priority areas: advancing science and research, improving visitors’ experiences, expanding volunteerism and stewardship, and providing for youth and family programs. We then raise funds – with the support of our community – to make these projects a reality.

Projects We’ve Funded

Science and Research

Scientific study is and has always been a crucial element in the management of our parks. Research projects have been wide-ranging and include wildlife and plant studies, monitoring glaciers and river systems, restoring endangered species and habitats, and examining visitor use patterns. All of these projects have helped advance understanding vital for protecting the parks now and forever. If not for your support, these important research projects would not have happened.

Fiscal Year 2021

  • Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems in Mount Rainier NP – $26,500
  • Studying Visitor Use Patterns to Guide Park Management in Mount Rainier NP – $26,000
  • Adopt a Whitebark Pine in North Cascades NP – $14,000
  • Alpine Mammal Monitoring in Mount Rainier NP – $13,500
  • Studying Rare Carnivores in North Cascades NP – $5,000
  • Olympic Marmot Citizen Science Project in Olympic NP – $2,000
  • Restoring Fishers in North Cascades NP – $700
  • Fisher Genetic Rescue in Olympic NP – $500
  • Glacier Research in Olympic NP – $300

Fiscal Year 2020

  • Understanding Microplastics in Remote Alpine Environments in North Cascades NP – $44,500
  • Olympic Fisher Genetic Rescue in Olympic NP – $29,500
  • Cascades Fisher Reintroduction in North Cascades NP – $20,000
  • Tracking Olympic National Park’s Disappearing Glaciers in Olympic NP – $15,000
  • Amphibian eDNA in Olympic NP – $15,000
  • Olympic Marmot Citizen Science Project in Olympic NP – $6,000

Fiscal Year 2019

  • Cascade Butterfly Project in North Cascades NP – $33,000
  • Restoring Fishers to the North Cascades National Park Service Complex – $30,000
  • Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Intern in Olympic NP – $26,000
  • Alpine Mammal (Red Fox) Monitoring and Data Synthesis in Mount Rainier NP – $22,000
  • Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems in Mount Rainier NP – $20,000
  • Olympic Marmot Citizen Science Project in Olympic NP – $5,000
  • Increasing Accuracy of Visitation Statistics at the Wilderness Information Center in North Cascades NP – $1,000

Fiscal Year 2018

  • Fishers Reintroduction in Mount Rainier NP – $40,000
  • Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Intern in Olympic NP – $25,900
  • Cascade Butterfly Project in North Cascades NP – $23,700
  • Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration in Mount Rainier NP – $19,600
  • Rainbow Creek Irrigation Study in North Cascades NP – $15,000
  • A Study of Disappearing Glaciers in Olympic NP – $15,000
  • Who’s Eating the Marmots? Study in North Cascades NP – $10,000
  • Olympic Marmot Citizen Science Project in Olympic NP – $10,000

Fiscal Year 2017

  • Cascade Butterfly Project in North Cascades NP – $28,000
  • Olympic Marmot Citizen Science Project in Olympic NP – $7,000

Visitors’ Experiences

Creating a positive, safe, and memorable experience for visitors of all backgrounds is the foundation of our parks’ mission. With your help, we have supported trail maintenance, improved wayfinding signage, increased opportunities for engagement with park rangers, and enhanced critical search and rescue efforts. These projects allow rangers to be of better service to those who come to the parks – something that, most will tell you, is in a park ranger’s DNA.

Fiscal Year 2021

  • Trail Work in Olympic NP – $100,000
  • Bear Essentials Safety Program in North Cascades NP – $53,000
  • Re-Planting Subalpine Meadows in Paradise, Mount Rainier NP – $35,000
  • Wild Bears and Backcountry People in North Cascades NP – $25,000
  • Avalanche Education and Training in Olympic NP – $21,000
  • Supporting the Kalaloch Ranger Station in Olympic NP – $20,000
  • Night Sky Interpretation in Olympic NP – $18,000
  • Roadside Assistant Volunteer Network (RAVENs) in Mount Rainier NP – $16,600
  • Prairie Restoration in Olympic NP – $11,600
  • Volunteer Historic Preservation Masonry in Mount Rainier NP – $10,000
  • Solar Panels & Installation in Mount Rainier NP – $9,700
  • Paramedic Training in North Cascades NP – $3,500
  • Conservation From Here Elk Art Installation in Olympic NP – $3,500
  • COVID-19 Signage in Mount Rainier NP – $3,000
  • Kayaks at Lake Margin in Olympic NP – $3,000
  • Dark Skies Project in Mount Rainier NP – $2,200
  • Search and Rescue (SAR) in Mount Rainier NP – $1,400

Fiscal Year 2020

  • Restoring Subalpine Meadows in Paradise in Mount Rainier NP – $35,000
  • Purchasing a Vehicle for Stehekin in North Cascades NP – $32,200
  • Rebuild Pyramid Lake Trail in North Cascades NP – $25,000
  • WTA Crew Lead, Latina Outdoors and Volunteer Network Programs in Mount Rainier NP – $23,700
  • Supporting the Kalaloch Ranger Station in Olympic NP – $19,400
  • Building Staff Resiliency in Olympic NP – $19,000
  • Equipping Emergency Response Vehicles in Olympic NP – $12,000
  • Dark Skies Project in Mount Rainier NP – $10,000
  • Rebuilding Swiftwater Rescue in Olympic NP – $10,000
  • Electronic Control Device (ECD) Management for Ranger Protection Division in Olympic NP – $7,500
  • Signage at Mount Rainier NP – $4,300

Fiscal Year 2019

  • Preventative Search and Rescue in North Cascades NP – $84,000
  • Forks Ranger Station Seasonal Ranger in Olympic NP – $20,100
  • Washington Trails Association Work Leader in Mount Rainier NP – $20,000
  • Re-Planting Subalpine Meadows in Paradise, Mount Rainier NP – $20,000
  • Incident Management and Equipment in Olympic NP – $16,300
  • Art in the Park in Olympic NP – $15,000
  • Latina Trail Crew Youth Program in Mount Rainier NP – $12,000
  • Mountain Rescue Joint Patrol in Mount Rainier NP – $10,000
  • Music in the American Wild in North Cascades NP – $7,100
  • Safety Equipment for Law Enforcement in North Cascades NP – $5,900
  • Employee Wellness Program in Olympic NP – $5,500
  • Search and Rescue Soft Goods in Mount Rainier NP – $5,000
  • Search and Rescue Plaque in Mount Rainier NP – $1,100

Fiscal Year 2018

  • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System in Mount Rainier NP – $100,000
  • RV Pads at Newhalem Campground in North Cascades NP – $100,000
  • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System in Olympic NP – $100,000
  • Search and Rescue Cabin Restoration in Mount Rainier NP – $91,600
  • Improve Accessibility to Kalaloch and Quinault Trails in Olympic NP – $56,200
  • Trail Coordinators at Sunrise and Paradise in Mount Rainier NP – $40,000
  • Washington Trails Association Work Leader in Mount Rainier NP – $24,000
  • 50th Anniversary Celebration Reception and Music in the American Wild in North Cascades NP – $20,600
  • Meadow Restoration in Mount Rainier NP – $20,200
  • Forks Ranger Station Seasonal Ranger in Olympic NP – $19,600
  • Electric Vehicle to Improve Campground Experiences in North Cascades NP – $10,000
  • Student Conservation Association Climbing Patrol Intern in North Cascades NP – $8,000
  • Safety Equipment for Law Enforcement in North Cascades NP – $5,900
  • Re-Planting Subalpine Meadows at Paradise in Mount Rainier NP – $3,900
  • Elwha River Restoration in Olympic NP – $1,900
  • Latina Trail Crew Youth Program in Mount Rainier NP – $900

Fiscal Year 2017

  • Ipsut Creek Cabin Restoration in Mount Rainier NP – $32,000
  • Valor Memorial in Mount Rainier NP – $30,300
  • Buckner Homestead Cabin Restoration in North Cascades NP – $29,000
  • Washington Trails Association Work Leader in Mount Rainier NP – $24,000
  • Trail Coordinator in Mount Rainier NP – $20,000
  • Emergency Operations Center in North Cascades NP – $20,000
  • Dodger Point Lookout Rehabilitation in Olympic NP – $20,000
  • Long Ridge Trail Project in Olympic NP – $20,000
  • Forks Ranger Station Seasonal Ranger in Olympic NP – $19,700
  • Night Sky Interpretation in Olympic NP – $18,000
  • Pacific Crest Trail Improvements in North Cascades NP – $15,000
  • Search and Rescue Personal Protection in Olympic NP – $13,000
  • Wiping Out Weeds in North Cascades NP – $8,500
  • Dan Evans Dedication in Olympic NP – $6,700
  • Historic Film Digitization in Olympic NP – $4,000
  • Latina Trail Crew Youth Program in Mount Rainier NP – $1,000

Volunteerism & Stewardship

National park volunteers are a powerful force for providing vital project support and creating passionate advocates for the parks’ mission. With your support, volunteers have contributed thousands of hours over the years, conducting backcountry patrols, wildlife surveys, restoration projects, guest programs, geologic research, and archaeological work. Our partnerships have funded supplies, housing, uniforms, vehicles, and coordination to keep these key programs flourishing.

Fiscal Year 2021

  • Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $78,000
  • WTA Crew Lead, Youth and Volunteer Programs in Mount Rainier NP – $47,000
  • Meadow Rover Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $40,000
  • Native Plant Nursery Volunteer Program in Olympic NP – $10,500
  • Cascades Butterfly Project in North Cascades NP – $10,000

Fiscal Year 2020

  • Meadow Rover Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $40,000
  • Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $32,700
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance Volunteers in Mount Rainier NP – $17,000

Fiscal Year 2019

  • Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $50,000
  • Meadow Rovers in Mount Rainier NP – $40,000
  • Volunteer Historic Preservation Corps in Mount Rainier NP – $32,600
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance Program in Mount Rainier NP – $16,000

Fiscal Year 2018

  • Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $62,000
  • Meadow Rovers in Mount Rainier NP – $45,000
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance Program in Mount Rainier NP – $16,000
  • Native Plant Nursery Volunteer Program in Olympic NP – $10,500

Fiscal Year 2017

  • Establishment of Carbon River Campground in Mount Rainier NP – $200,000
  • Volunteer Radios in Mount Rainier NP – $49,500
  • Volunteer Program in Mount Rainier NP – $38,000
  • Longmire Stewardship Campground Shelter in Mount Rainier NP – $27,000
  • Personal Locator Beacons in Mount Rainier NP – $13,000

Providing for
Youth & Family Programs

The future of our parks depends upon creating opportunities for people from all backgrounds to experience, connect with, and ultimately treasure our cherished places. With your support, we have funded a number of programs that provide greater access to the parks by youth and their families, allowing many to visit for the very first time.

Fiscal Year 2021

  • Scientists in the Park Internship Program in Olympic NP – $27,000
  • Adventures in Your Big Backyard in Olympic NP – $26,700
  • Community Resilience through Food Sustainability and Native Plant Education in North Cascades NP – $23,000
  • Tribal Pathways Internship Program in Olympic NP – $21,500
  • Middle School Science Program in Olympic NP – $17,000
  • Bus Subsidies in Mount Rainier NP – $15,000
  • Mountain Bikes for Stehekin Youth Conservation Team in North Cascades NP – $2,000

Fiscal Year 2020

  • Community Resilience through Food Sustainability and Native Plant Education in North Cascades NP – $14,800

Fiscal Year 2019

  • Junior Ranger Books in Mount Rainier NP – $30,000
  • Engaging Diverse Youth and Families through Junior Ranger Programming in Mount Rainier NP – $25,000
  • Adventures in Your Big Backyard in Olympic NP – $25,000
  • Port Angeles Middle School Science Program in Olympic NP – $13,000
  • Bus Subsidies in Mount Rainier NP – $12,000
  • Lummi Nation Youth Program in North Cascades NP – $11,800
  • Boys and Girls Club of Tacoma in Mount Rainier NP – $5,000

Fiscal Year 2018

  • Adventures in Your Big Backyard in Olympic NP – $25,000
  • Bus Subsidies in Mount Rainier NP – $13,000
  • Elwha River Restoration Middle School Scientists in Olympic NP – $7,500
  • Expand Endangered Species Education in North Cascades NP – $5,000

Fiscal Year 2017

  • Adventures in Your Big Backyard in Olympic NP – $25,000
  • School Program Education Rangers in Mount Rainier NP – $15,000
  • Bus Subsidies in Mount Rainier NP – $7,000

Antonio, along with WNPF staff, poses with rangers and Casa Latina participants on their visit to Mount Rainier, made possible by a joint effort between Casa Latina, WNPF, and Mount Rainier National Park

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are proud to fund projects that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in our parks every year as part of our commitment to make our parks more accessible for all.

See the projects we’ve supported over the years.

Protecting our Parks Into the Future

We can’t do this work without your support. We hope you will join us in protecting these special places for the generations to come.