Raise your Paddle for Park Projects

Every year, our Auction allows us to raise funds for critical projects in our three largest national parks. From artwork to outdoors equipment and apparel, one-of-a-kind adventures in the parks to cooking classes and wine tastings, there truly is something every park lover will want to raise their paddle for.

Your Impact

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our in-person Auction! You raised more than $200,000 for projects in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks, including our featured Fund-A-Need projects:

Blue lupine in a meadow in front of Mount Rainier

Reviving Paradise’s Wildflower Wonders in Mount Rainier National Park

Decades of heavy use and off-trail hiking have taken their toll on the awe-inspiring meadows in Paradise, leaving some areas trampled and bare. Funding will bring together teams of volunteers, including student volunteers from local schools and youth work crews, to plant 40,000 native seedlings throughout 10,000 square feet of disturbed meadow, in hopes of restoring these sites back into healthy meadow ecosystems.

Volunteer works in Big Beaver Valley

Preserving the Big Beaver Valley Wetlands in North Cascades National Park

The Big Beaver wetlands is home to 368 plant species, only 18 of which are non-native, representing an extremely low number of exotic species. Unfortunately, reed canarygrass is invading some areas of the wetlands and could devastate juvenile salmon habitat and replace native plants. Funding will enable the North Coast and Cascades Invasive Plant Management Team to continue canarygrass survey and removal efforts.


Seedlings in a row at the Matt Albright Native Plant Nursery

Restoring Trampled Trails and Flooded Lands with Native Plants in Olympic National Park

The Matt Albright Native Plant Nursery is a vital operation for restoration efforts in Olympic National Park. Here, volunteers plant seedlings to revegetate areas of degraded habitat in both front and backcountry areas of the park, contributing more than 40,000 volunteer hours annually. Funding supports restoration efforts; the restoration behind what was once the Elwha River Dam is just one example of this program’s tremendous success.

Our Auction Sponsors

We are so grateful to our generous Auction sponsors.

Major Sponsor:

Guest Services Inc. logo


Table Sponsors:

Tide SW Foundation LogoAvatar Financial Group LogoPacWesty logo


And a huge thank you to our In-Kind Sponsors:

Alaska Airlines, Ben Bridge Jeweler, NW Youth Corps, Georgetown Brewing Co., and Columbia Distribution


Auctions Over the Years

Remembering 2021

Thanks to your generosity, our 2021 Virtual Auction for the Parks raised more than $126,000 for projects in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks.

 We raised funds for projects that embody our core pillar of “volunteerism & stewardship.” After all, a donation that supports a volunteer program has even more impact, since it not only provides vital funding for park services that park staff may not be able to complete on their own but also results in volunteers putting in hours of their own time to make our parks better, stronger, and even more vibrant.

Learn about the projects our 2021 Auction supporters made possible:


Remembering 2019

Our last in-person Auction for the Parks, back in 2019, was a blast. Thanks to all of our event sponsors, participants, and park friends who came together to make it a night to remember – and to our friends at Seattle Met for capturing the event.