North Cascades National Park


Spring Experiences in Washington’s National Parks

Roads are opening, wildflowers are blooming, trails are emerging under the snow, and park visitation increases. These spring recommendations from our community were made for you: everyday park users, first timers, seasoned visitors, and everyone in between.
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Your Gifts in Action: Growing the Seeds of Community Resilience

The Food Sustainability and Native Plant Education pilot program at North Cascades National Park reaches populations the park doesn’t serve as much as it would like – including local gateway communities, underserved youth, and tribes. Learn about what this innovative, hands-on project is bringing to the community around the park.
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Science in the Parks: The Cascades Butterfly Project

As days get longer and winter’s chill begins to wane, many of us are experiencing the anticipation of getting boots back on the trails in our parks’ high country. If you’re among those who delight in wandering summer wildflower meadows, you might want to consider joining the team of community...
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What to Do in Washington’s National Parks This Winter

We know that it can be intimidating figuring out what there is to do and how exactly to do it when snow is falling and major roads are closing. Check out the WNPF team's recommendations on how to experience our parks in the winter months.
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Where in the World are the Wolverines?

The wolverine is one of the most elusive and fascinating carnivores of the North Cascades. Washington’s National Park Fund was joined by Ranger Merrisa Bluestein of North Cascades National Park for a Virtual Field Trip in July 2020 where we were introduced to this critter and all its unique characteristics...
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Fall Color Hikes in Washington’s National Parks

With the long-awaited departure of heat and bugs, the best hiking season is now upon us! Though fall hiking is not only the most comfortable in Washington, but also the most beautiful. This year, instead of jostling with the masses in search of #LarchMadness, consider immersing yourself in the fiery...
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On Earth Day, We Took a Trip to Mountain Goat Country

Earth Day is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection—and there are few better examples of that principle in action than the mountain goat translocation project. In our April 22, 2020 Virtual Field Trip, Olympic National Park wildlife biologist Patti Happe took us on a journey through the...
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"Backpacking Beats": Poems by Lance Garland

In honor of National Poetry Month, we’re featuring a different look and feel for our blog. Lance Garland has shared the following poems from two trips to North Cascades National Park.
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Trailblazers: Audra and Eric Adelberger

I have been an enthusiastic visitor to national parks since my childhood in western Montana. My first trip to Glacier NP would have been around 1940, Yellowstone later that decade. Since then, we’ve visited quite a few of our National Parks -- from Shenandoah and the Smokies in the East,...
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