Herb Bridge

In Memory, 1925-2018

Board of Directors

Our national parks enable us to enjoy all the beauty that life brings to us. Contemplation of each pristine and inspiring experience gives one the impetus to relax, to lower the blood pressure of daily urban life, and to enjoy all that only our national parks bring forth.
– Herb Bridge

Our dear friend, board member and lover of Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks, Mr. Herb Bridge, passed away on Monday, April 2, 2018. As his son, Dan, stated:

“Born in 1925, Herb’s father, Ben, brought him up fishing, exploring and hiking in Olympic National Park. His adventurous and exciting life included serving as a Navy Rear Admiral during WWII and the Korean War; taking on numerous roles in civic leadership throughout Seattle; and serving as President of more than 90 Ben Bridge Jewelers stores.

Herb often credited our national parks as a motivating factor that helped him to reach his successes. For this reason, his passion for protecting them ran deep.”

Herb served on Washington’s National Park Fund’s board since 2012. He was a vital and active board member, was highly engaged in the organization’s Spring Dinner and Auction and helped us to grow stronger during his years of service. He was an amazing storyteller and had a heart of gold.  He is sorely missed.

With heavy hearts,

The Board of Directors, Park Superintendents, Staff and Volunteers
Washington’s National Park Fund