Mitch Pittman

Freelance Cinematographer, Writer and Storyteller

Board of Directors

Without preserving these beautiful places themselves, all of my gear and cameras and everything else I’d invested in would be worthless. I looked at how much I love these places where I spend all of my spare time in and decided it was time to give back where it counts.

Mitch moved to Seattle in 2013 for a job with KOMO, but made the decision two years earlier when he first saw Mount Rainier from the window of a plane. He grew up in North Carolina and was introduced to the outdoors during his years becoming an Eagle Scout, and his love of national parks was deepened through family road trips. 

Through a chance encounter at the Paradise Inn, Mitch got connected with WNPF in 2015 and soon helped form the Discovery group – a group aimed at introducing the fund and all of the great work it does to a new audience. Through his work, he hopes to instill a sense of appreciation and responsibility in the next generation of park stewards to protect these national treasures like those who came before us. On his weekends, you’ll find Mitch high on Rainier or deep in the rugged and remote North Cascades… though hopefully he’s so far away no one can find him at all.

Having left KOMO, Mitch is now a freelance storyteller based in Seattle. When he’s not exploring the Cascades, Mitch travels the world capturing moments for clients while trying to keep his streak alive of skiing every month.
