Beth Glosten

Retired Medical Doctor

Board of Directors

Beth serves as the Chair of the Spring Dinner & Auction Committee

Flying into Seattle from Chicago in the 1990’s, I recall looking out at Mount Rainier, struck by its grandeur. Recently, while hiking in the area, I had an overwhelming sense of the mountain’s enormity, and power. I was filled with wonder and terror, in a delightful way! That is what the wilderness is to me. Powerful, beautiful, healing — to be respected and honored.

Beth Glosten, MD, retired from medical practice, grew up on Bainbridge Island, WA. After graduating from Occidental College in Los Angeles, she returned to Seattle to attend medical school at the University of Washington, then moved to Chicago for training and a staff position at the University of Chicago Department of Anesthesiology. After several years, the Pacific Northwest drew her back and she worked at the University of Washington until health issues, and burnout, prompted her to step back from medicine. Now Beth teaches pilates, horseback riding, and mindfulness. She enjoys hiking, cross country skiing, cooking, and her two cats.

Beth is thrilled to be able to join the WNPF Board to give back to the places that she loves. The national parks are a place she can challenge herself physically and emotionally. Our time on this earth is so transient compared to the rock faces and waterfalls — a lovely perspective. But, while each person’s time on earth is fleeting, our collective human effect is not. Beth has a strong sense of responsibility to do what she can to protect and preserve these wild places.
