Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) is the official philanthropic partner to Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks.

The funds we raise help fund priority projects and enable anywhere from 30-40 projects annually in these parks to keep them strong and vibrant, youthful and everlasting for generations to come. WNPF is the only philanthropic organization dedicated solely to these three national parks and 100% of the donations stay in Washington state for this purpose.


We are diligent in our efforts and responsibility to our donors and parks alike, and to that end we are committed to complete transparency.

Read our Annual Report:

Download the Report

Healthy Funding Streams

We are proud of the fact that our funding stream is well-diversified. In other words, we are not reliant on any one area for the majority of our revenue. Income comes from individuals, events, fundraising climbs, license plates, foundations, corporations, and in-park lodge guest donations. While the majority of the funds raised come from individuals, couples, and families, the balance is spread across the other areas mentioned above.

In the event that one area drops (i.e., due to COVID-19), there are other areas that can help to sustain our efforts. This helps us to maintain our financial footing so that we can continue to give more each year to the parks.


A Note About Deferred Maintenance

WNPF refrains from funding deferred maintenance. Deferred maintenance projects in the parks include critical infrastructure repair projects such as maintaining paved roads, bridges, and buildings and providing for maintenance and upkeep of historical sites.

While these projects are incredibly important for maintaining and protecting our parks, and even with federal funding often remain under-funded, they are typically prioritized for safety reasons come budget season. This means there is little federal funding left over for projects that prioritize expanding science and research, improving visitors’ experiences, creating and growing volunteerism and stewardship in our parks, and providing for youth and family programs. That is why we choose to leave the deferred maintenance up to the federal government and continue to push for initiatives like the Great American Outdoors Act to address these issues.


Cover photo: Olympic National Park by Nate Brown; footer photo (below): Mount Rainier National Park by Sheena Shahangian 📷

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