Help Push Priority Projects “Over the Top”

At the end of every fiscal year, as we tally up the total amount of dollars raised for critical projects in Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks, we encounter a frustrating issue: many projects get so close to being fully funded but aren’t quite there. Sometimes it’s a difference of a few thousand dollars – other times, it might be as little as a few hundred dollars needed to bring the project to fruition.

That’s where the Over the Top Society comes in.

Over the Top Society logo

What Is Over the Top?

The Over the Top Society is a circle of park friends and supporters who pledge $1,200 or more per year in unrestricted gifts to Washington’s National Park Fund. These gifts allow the flexibility to take partially funded priority park projects up and over the top at the end of each fiscal year.

Antonio, along with WNPF staff, poses with rangers and Casa Latina participants on their visit to Mount Rainier, made possible by a joint effort between Casa Latina, WNPF, and Mount Rainier National Park

As parents and grandparents, Becky and I believe that our state’s national parks will be one of our most enduring and precious legacies to future generations. In our parks we see a connection to a marvelous and irreplaceable natural world, a place of peace and solace, a place to learn and a place to experience adventure and beauty. Sustaining gifts such as Washington’s National Park Fund’s Over the Top contributions help our national parks weather challenging times and are a tangible way of personally committing to their preservation for all time.

-Antonio Rufin, Board Member and Over the Top Society Member, pictured above during Casa Latina’s visit to Mount Rainier National Park in 2019

Join Us

Flexible Sign-Up

You can give in the way that makes most sense for you – whether that’s contributing an annual gift in one lump sum or spreading it out over the year into monthly payments of $100 or quarterly payments of $300. We are happy to send reminders if it’s helpful!

Donor Perks

Over the Top Society members receive exclusive access to special recognition events with WNPF and park leadership and quarterly “insider’s” updates from our CEO to keep you up to speed on the latest from the parks. Join today and know that you will make a difference in what projects can take off in the parks for years to come.

Get Started

Set up is simple – use our online form below to make your donation worry-free, or contact us for more options.

Susan Nebel
Director of Philanthropy
(206) 623-2063

Give an Unrestricted Gift

We Are Grateful to All Our Over the Top Society Supporters

Eric & Audra Adelberger •  Rhoda Altom & Cory Carlson •  Peter Arneil & Sharmon Figenshaw •  Russ & Janice Ashleman* •  Lydia Bagwell •  Jim & Kathy Batdorf •  Pete Briglia* •  Dawn & Derek Brown •  Tom & Sally Cahill •  Ken & Mary Campbell* •  Steve & Lani Cavit* •  Sallie & John Chaney •  Roy & Carolyn Chapel •  Family of Kaci Clot •  Brian & Karen Copp* •  Carolyn Corvi & John Bates* •  Larry & Carolyn Curles •  John & Susan Dickson* •  Jeff Doty •  Sherry & John Douceur •  Nicolette Ducommun & Brad Stone •  Diann Durbin & Cathy Lindsay •  John & Marilyn Erickson* •  Dan & Nancy Evans* •  Kari Fitzsimmons •  Russ Fox •  Michele Freed & Jeffrey Alexander* •  Don & Sue Gaines* •  Kathryn Gardow & Dave Bradlee •  Joan Gilbert •  Jim Gilchrist* •  Linda & Gary Glein* •  Linda Glenicki* •  Beth Glosten •  John Grove •  Fred & Syd Hammerquist* •  Lys Hardy •  Shelley & David Hartnett •  Cynthia Hartwig & Tom Booster •  Irene Hecht •  Tom & Lesley Hobbs* •  Karen & Paul Hogle •  Mari Hooten Lee & Randy Lee  •  Tony Hoskins & Kaylynn Kelley  •  Larry & Cyndi Hueth*  •  JoAnna Keeley  •  Karen Keeley and Nicole & Claire Godbout  •  Kevin, Macy, Ashley Rose & Abby May Keeley  •  Mike Kipling & Karen Newell  •  Bill & Laurie Klein*  •  Merle & Melissa Knapp*  •  Korsmo Construction  •  Jillian & Joel Kosic  •  Kraus Family Charitable Fund*  •  Jary & Niyati Krauser  •  Bill & Louise LaRue  •  Georginna Lucas  •  David & Michelle Massey  •  Kirk & Joanna Mattson*  •  Dave Meyer & Molly Wood  •  John Meyer & Adrienne Sutton  •  Kirk Myers  •  Wendy Ng  •  PacWesty  •  Richard & Alinda Page*  •  Gayle & Jay Palmer  •  Brian & Debby Peterman  •  Mitch Pittman  •  Karen Povey  •  Jeannette Privat*  •  Gary & Geri Proctor  •  Michele Radosevich & Dean Morgan*  •  Raman Family Foundation*  •  Paul & Sharon Ramey  •  Jordan & Joyce Roderick  •  Antonio & Becky Rufin  •  Cheri & Pat Ryan  •  Jen & Eric Semsak  •  Waqar & Sarah Shaikh  •  Ray & Kim Shine  •  Mike & Suzanne Sievert*  •  Kevin Stadler  •  Jerry Stritzke & Lisa Rogers  •  Bruce & Dawn Tecklenburg*  •  Carol Theine  •  Tristan Tosland  •  Margot Tsakonas & Bruce Tyson  •  Dana Visser*  •  Gary Vogelsberger*  •  Marjorie Walter & Tim Moran*  •  Laurie & Colin Ward*  •  Carol Weisbecker & Mike Ernst  •  Welman Family Fund*  •  Mason & Pamela White  •  Bob Wiley*  •  Matt & Libby Winkler*  •  Carol Wolf  •  Denise & Tim Wulfekuhle*  •  Gary Zarker & Janet Primomo

*Charter members

Cover photo: Mount Rainier National Park by Stephen Matera; footer photo (below): Olympic National Park by Andy Porter 📷