Marriage, the Mountain and the Martins

August 22, 2021

By Guest Blogger Beth Glosten, WNPF Board Member

Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) works to fund critical priority projects in Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks, and we couldn’t do it without our dedicated supporters. Our Trailblazers series celebrates these passionate park lovers and all of their reasons for giving. This week, meet Morgan Harris Martin.

Last summer, the threat of COVID put a damper on many of our plans and travels. However, WNPF donors and Tennessee residents Morgan Harris and Conner Martin were steadfastly committed to make the trip from Smithville, TN, to Mount Rainier National Park where, on August 10 with family and a few friends, they got married.

When we got engaged, there was no debate on where we would get married. We both agreed to take a small group to Washington and share our passion for each other and Mount Rainier with our families,” Morgan explains.

She and Conner had fallen in love with the park when they visited three years ago. After dating only 3 months, they set out on an 18-day trip exploring Mount Rainier, Olympic, Yellowstone, Crater Lake, The Redwoods, and Grand Teton National Parks, camping in many. That trip was a true test of their compatibility! Perhaps the National Parks helped cement their bond?

Morgan and Connor in Mount Rainier National Park
Photo by Jenny Stormment. While it looks like Morgan and Conner are standing in the meadow of wildflowers, they are not! They are in a grassy area behind the raised wildflower meadow.

When they decided to tie the knot, Mount Rainier was their dream site.

“Although,” she said, “Olympic was a close second!” Following their wedding, they completed the Washington National Park trifecta by hiking in Olympic and North Cascades as well.

Morgan grew up playing softball. That was her passion. It took her to tournaments around the country, including Colorado where she was struck by the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains. Conner grew to love the wilderness while in graduate school in Pocatello, ID, studying Geographic Information Systems. He has visited over 40 National Parks. Morgan now joins Conner in the quest to visit and support National Parks throughout the United States. However, with the exception of their wedding journey, in the COVID era they spent time in the several state parks close by their home.

Giving Tuesday was Morgan’s introduction to Washington’s National Park Fund. Morgan is Director of Development for the Blue Raider Athletic Association of Middle Tennessee State University, her alma mater. As such, she is aware of how important it is to “give back” to institutions and organizations important to her. She was keen to give to Mount Rainier National Park, so was thrilled to find WNPF as a way to do this. She is interested in the Fund’s Virtual Field Trips, in particular “B.A.R.K. Ranger Dogs of Olympic National Park.”

Morgan’s wish for all National Parks is that they stay wild and continue with limited commercial encroachment on their protected spaces. She supports efforts to connect youth and communities for whom the parks seem unreachable, dreaming of digital classrooms that can inform all about these amazing spaces.

Her most memorable park experience? The day after the wedding, she and Conner hiked the Skyline Trail. The sun was shining, the skies were clear blue, the temperature in the 70s, the mountain was “out,” there were wildflowers all around, and they enjoyed some of their “wedding cake” — blackberry pie from The Copper Creek Inn and Restaurant. Mmmm!

Happy one-year anniversary, Morgan and Connor!!